The Leading Grease Trap Distributors - GreaseTrapSupply com
Released on = September 22, 2006, 1:31 am
Press Release Author = John Parker
Industry = Industrial
Press Release Summary = Grease Traps slow the flow of wastewater with the use of a holding tank. When the water is slowed down it cools and allows the grease to separate from the water. The cooled water is then allowed to exit the grease trap while the grease is captured.
Press Release Body = Whether you are a restaurant, a hotel, an inn or a bed & breakfast, if you regularly serve meals to your guests, you should have a grease trap. These very simple devices, usually placed in the kitchen floor, are designed to provide retention time for grease in you kitchen wastewater to cool and solidify, so that it can be removed before it ends up in the sewer or septic system. Grease in sewers is a constant problem for municipal wastewater treatment plants and can really fowl up lines (causing sewage backups) and pump stations. Many towns are considering fines for this problem. Grease in septic systems can quickly plug up the leach fields and cause big hassles and big bucks. If you are on septic, have full meal service and don\'t have a grease trap, its just a matter of time, before you are going to pay for this omission! Grease Traps slow the flow of wastewater with the use of a holding tank. When the water is slowed down it cools and allows the grease to separate from the water. The cooled water is then allowed to exit the grease trap while the grease is captured. Grease traps come in many different sizes. These Zurn Grease traps are identified by their pounds and gpm. In order to find the right grease trap for your given application, you should know the size of the sinks which the grease trap will be used for. Grease Traps may be placed under the sink, or buried in the ground. Grease Trap Supply is the leading online distributor of grease traps. Grease traps are commonly found in restaurants, fast food chains, mall snack shops, and other food related businesses. It is standard procedure and often a requirement to have a grease trap installed in any location where food is being prepared. A grease trap will eliminate grease and oil from wastewater which is exiting a building. For more information: Contact Us Telephone inquiries Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm EST Call toll-free 888-757-4774 Orders Customer Service
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Contact Details = John Parker 375 West Broadway, 2nd Floor New York USA - 10012 Phone: 212.941.7744
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